Welcome to HA Swansea

The Historical Association is incorporated by Royal Charter

Registered charity number 1120261

Branch Membership Fees

Individual membership: £10

Concessionary membership: £5

(Concessionary = part-time workers; retired; unwaged)

Family (household) membership: £15

Full-time-student membership: £5

Membership is renewable at the AGM in March

Full national membership

of the Historical Association grants automatic membership of the Swansea branch, provided the member lives within the branch’s catchment area.

To register for full membership, visit:



A note for branch committee members

The date of the

next committee meeting is

3 August 2024

At 10.30am

in the National Waterfront Museum

Website last updated 20 July 2024

8 February 2024


21 March 2020


Elizabeth Belcham

will speak about

Swansea’s Bad Girls

Crime and Prostitution


The National Waterfront Museum, Swansea

The Historical Association is honoured to announce that His Majesty King Charles III has agreed to be our patron.

   Rebecca Sullivan, CEO of the Historical Association, said, ‘We very much value his Majesty the King’s commitment to, and support of, history and history education. Our members and supporters will be pleased to know that history as a subject, study and lifelong history continues to have the recognition and value that His Majesty’s patronage provides.’

  This patronage continues the Historical Association’s long relationship with the Royal Family starting with Sir Henry Marten who was tutor to the Queen on constitutional history in the 1930s. Marten was a founder member of the Historical Association and later our president.

Branch Bulletin

The Next Talk

Non Thomas

Will speak about

Elizabeth Andrews

Working Class Warrior


Saturday 20 July 2024

The National Waterfront Museum,

