Chronicle: the Branch’s Annual Journal

The Swansea Branch of the Historical Association

presents its annual journal





Chronicle 2023

Chronicle 2021

Copies of Chronicle are available at events of the Historical Association Swansea Branch.

Cost for 2021, 2023 and 2024 issues:

£3 per copy for members

£5 per copy for non-members

For further information contact:

07971 665594

Chronicle is the annual journal/magazine of the Historical Association Swansea Branch. The Branch aims to publish the journal in May of each year (the 2022 issue was not published owing to circumstances beyond our control). The journal comprises historical articles by various authors. The articles deal with history of a local variety as well as national and international historical topics, and potentially will cover all time periods. Also contained in the journal are items of Branch information. We wish you happy reading.

Chronicle 2024